Hello! I’m Momoko, I once visited England for a modelling assignment. But my trip wasn’t just about shooting. I saved one day for visiting the movie locations of the film Harry Potter. I was based in London, but I took a day trip to Oxford to see the Harry Potter set!

Let me introduce the Harry Potter movie locations in Oxford that you can visit in one day!

How to get to Oxford from London City

There are various options for getting to Oxford from London, but after extensive study, I believe that the train is the most simple and practical option for travellers.

Purchase an express train ticket from London’s Paddington Station to Oxford. The train ride from Paddington Station to Oxford Station takes around one hour. The cost is £25 for a round trip day off-peak.

Great Hall in Christ Church College, Oxford University (a model of Hogwarts’ Great Dining Hall)

Being Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’s most prominent landmarks, the Great Hall of Hogwarts serves as a backdrop for several key sequences, including the Sorting Ceremony, the School Assemblies, and the scene where everyone eats dinner.

Stepping inside the hall is like entering a fantasy world.

In reality, it is still used as a cafeteria for students and teachers, so the general public is welcome to stop by, but please keep in mind that it is closed for lunch from 11:45 am until 2:00 pm!

Also, the Christchurch ticket centre shuts at 2:15 pm, so I suggest going early in the morning if at all possible to avoid disappointment!

The stairs in front of the Great Hall (Hogwarts stairs)

These steps, which are located shortly before entering the Great Hall, appear in the film as well!

One of the memorable scenes is when Harry sees Professor McGonagall for the first time in “The Philosopher’s Stone,” when he is all grown up and about to join Hogwarts.

After this, Harry and the other new students enter the Great Hall for the first time for the Sorting Ceremony.

This staircase is said to have been built in the 16th century. Because the ceiling decorations are so delicate and exquisite, you can’t help but sigh when you gaze up at them.

Divinity School in the Bodleian Library (Goblet of Fire Dance Scene)

photo from CoachToursUK

This is the location used for the scenes in the infirmary and the scene when Harry and his pals practice dance in the Goblet of Fire, both of which take place here. I can always see Harry and his friends lying on a hospital bed in the infirmary after they’ve been so reckless!

This classroom seems to have been originally built as a classroom for lectures and examinations. The entrance fee is around one pound, which is far less expensive than the fees charged at other attractions.

Humphrey Public Library (Hogwarts Library)

photo from costsworld.info

The Humphrey Public Library is located right next to Divinity School. It’s comforting to know that these two don’t need a lot of walking and can be turned around fast!

This was used as the Hogwarts library for scenes where Harry and his friends were doing research and studying in the movie.  This medieval library’s massive bookshelves and decorations, which was established in 1602, are quite remarkable.

Harry and his friends in their uniforms seem to be popping out from between the bookshelves! The library is still in operation today, although members of the general public can gain access by submitting an application for a guided tour.

The Devinity School was also on the itinerary. You’re getting a great deal since you get to travel around all at once!

Tickets can be reserved and purchased via the Bodleian Library’s website.

Corridor of Durham Castle (Hogwarts Corridor)

Durham Castle’s most stunning hallway quickly conjures images of Hogwarts when you see it.

It was used for various scenes in the movies, such as Harry flying a white owl and Malfoy being transformed into a weasel in the square surrounded by the corridor.

Just going down this corridor makes you feel like you’re a student at Hogwarts for a moment!

photo from https://www.durhamcathedral.co.uk/

Even though it has served as a fantastic site for Harry Potter enthusiasts from all over the globe to visit, it is still in use as a functioning student dormitory.

There is an entrance fee of £5 for adults and £4 for children if you are entering as a tourist without taking a tour.

The guided tour is likely to take you to student areas such as the library, dining hall and kitchen, living rooms, and salons, all of which will be explained in great depth by your tour guide.

If you’re a Harpota fan, this place is a must-visit!

How did you like it? Oxford has a more Hogwarts vibe to it than any of the London locations!

Get yourself a magic wand from one of the many shops across the city and take a stroll while holding your magic wand. You could even take a memorable snapshot with your wand in hand.

You can also see details on my YouTube video!